Comparative Study of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Fully Disk Encryption schemes in Cloud Computing
Akriti Sharma, Nagresh kumar " Implementation of a Low-cost CNC Plotter Using Spare Parts ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(6),340-346 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The cloud can offer services to the users at lower cost and services are available at anytime, anywhere, user data security is the main challenge in cloud computing. The data encryption is the best way for providing data security in cloud computing. Two encryption schemes come into existence: Fully disk encryption scheme (FDE) and fully homomorphic encryption scheme (FHE). In this paper, comparison is made between the two on certain factors which conclude that fully homomorphic encryption scheme is more reliable and provides more security as compare to fully disk encryption scheme. The main problem with fully disk encryption scheme is key management, key storage, and data aggregation and so on. To solve the problem of key management and key sharing various schemes are proposed in last few years. The various securities are possible in these schemes. The third party auditor is the scheme for key management and key sharing. The third party auditor scheme will be failed if the third party’s security is compromised or third party will be malicious. So, in this paper we have made comparative study between fully Homomorphic Encryption and Fully Disk Encryption schemes used in cloud computing for data security.
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cloud computing, data storage, FDE, FHE, security, third party auditor.