Enhancing the post consumer waste management through vermicomposting along with bioinoculumn
Karthika Arumugam, Seenivasagan Renganathan, Kasimani Renganathan, Naresh Kumar Sharma, Olubukola Oluranti Babalola "Enhancing the post consumer waste management through vermicomposting along with bioinoculumn", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V44(3),179-182 February 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This experiment was designed to manage the post consumer waste in an eco friendly manner. Vermicomposting is the process which stabilizes the waste materials with the help of earthworms and microorganisms thereby turning it into organic manure. This study investigates the enhancement of the vermicomposting process by the addition of bioinoculumn along with the post consumer waste (PCW) namely the artificial paper banana leaf waste (APBL). Two sets of experiments were prepared, Set A contains APBL and cow dung (CD) with Eudrillus eugeniae and Set B contains APBL+ CD+ Eudrillus eugeniae along with bioinoculumn to enhance the degradation process. After treatment, nutrient content of vermicompost were analyzed using SEM-EDX. Results highlight that the addition of Bacillus sp increases the rate of degradation of APBL in set B, facilitating the completion of the process within a period of 50 days compared to normal of 90 days period. During the process the plastic that are coated in APBL got separated and also an increased yield of plastic from APBL was noted in Set B. Additionally the effect of prepared vermicompost were checked with the plant growth response which also showed good yield in set B. FT-IR results confirms that the functional group present in the Set B showed high degree of reduction compared to Set A. Therefore the addition of bioinoculmn during vermicomposting to manage the post consumer waste as well as to prepare organic fertilizer was justified.
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Artificial paper banana leaf waste, Eudrilus eugeniae, SEM-EDX, FT-IR