Real Time Implementation of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2017 by IJETT Journal
Volume-45 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : Neha G.Gupta, Rajesh D. Thakre, Yogesh A. Suryawanshi
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V45P227


Neha G.Gupta, Rajesh D. Thakre, Yogesh A. Suryawanshi " Real Time Implementation of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(3),121-126 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network or VANET is a form of mobile ad-hoc network. VANET is used to provide communications among neighbouring vehicles, between vehicles and nearest fixed roadside infrastructure .This paper proposes a network model having group of vehicles each equipped with wireless sensor network and communication device creating ad-hoc environment. This environment enables vehicles to transfer information in terms of mobility parameter like distance, speed and location coordinates (position) using GPS and RF to provide vehicle-to-vehicle communication. In VANET communication cluster is formed that gives drivers a sixth sense to know what’s going on around them to help avoid accident and traffic flow .Implementation of the proposed system was developed and tested with the help of vehicle models.


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Vehicular Ad-Hoc network, mobility parameter, wireless sensor network, Vehicle-to Vehicle communication, GPS and RF , proposed system , vehicle models.