A Survey: On Spatial Data Mining
Asmita Bist, Mainaz Faridi "A Survey: On Spatial Data Mining", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(6),327-333 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The extraction of spatial patterns and
characteristics, spatial and non spatial data
relationships, and other data features hidden in the
spatial database is spatial data mining. The necessity
of advance methods for extraction of knowledge from
spatial datasets has proved the need in rise of
geographic knowledge discovery and spatial data
mining as a dynamic research area. There is a dire
requirement for productive and powerful techniques
and methodology for mining valuable knowledge from
spatial datasets of high dimension and unpredictable
size. The paper highlights recent work in knowledge
discovery and spatial data mining. We evaluated
several literatures in characteristics of spatial data,
common techniques in spatial data mining, techniques
involved in spatial data mining and spatial
association rule mining .The survey conclude with
various outlooks on the significant work done in
spatial data mining and recent research work in
spatial association rule mining.
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