Dynamic Analysis of Separate Foundation for Low Frequency Machine With Soil Interaction
Hardik A. Patel, Hitesh K. Dhameliya, Yati R.Tank "Dynamic Analysis of Separate Foundation for Low Frequency Machine With Soil Interaction", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(8),420-424 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In the industry heavy machinery is used
as operate low frequency to high frequency. To get
more production the speed of machinery has been
increased for low speed to high speed. With the
development of high speed machinery the problem of
vibration arises. The vibration creates problems to
foundation or its supporting structure and it may
cause failure of the structure. Because of these
problems static and dynamic analysis of machine
foundation with different type of soil is necessary.
For the economical design of structure provided
separate foundation for the machine. It dicusses the
load cases to applied and find out the displacement
and stress in structure. The results will be compare
and check the frequency ratio and displacement as
per the range of IS Code of machine foundation. An
attempt is made in the study to carry out an
observation on machine foundation by using
software SAP 2000 Vs.14. The analysis for
foundation is also described in this paper and an
attempt has been made to study the dynamic
behaviour of a foundation structure for LESSAR
machine which is used in cloth industry. Two
different types of foundations for Reciprocating type
Machine that is LESSAR have been studied in this
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Dynamic Effect, Structural Element,
Footing, Frequency, Amplitude, Resonance, soil