A Efficient Technique For Low-Power High Speed Adder Circuit Design in DSM Technology
Anuj Dev, Sandip Nimade "A Efficient Technique For Low-Power High Speed Adder Circuit Design in DSM Technology", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(1),25-31 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The necessity for low-power design is
also important in high performance digital systems,
such as microprocessors and digital signal
processors because of high integration density and
the high clock frequency. In this paper we presented
a new 13T full adder design based on hybrid –
CMOS logic design style. The new design is
compared with some existing designs for power
consumption, delay, PDP at various frequencies
such as 10 MHz, 200 MHz and 1 GHz. the
simulations are carried out on Cadence Virtuoso at
65nm CMOS technology and the simulation results
are analyzed to verify the superiority of the proposed
design over the existing designs. Maximum saving of
power delay product is at low frequency by proposed
circuit is 90.8% with respect to C-CMOS and
significant improvement is observed at other
frequencies also for proper validation and
verification of the results W/L ratio of all the circuit
is kept constant.
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Low power, GDI, SERF, Hybrid adder.