Survey of Attribute Based Encryption Schemes
Walunj Pratap, Bhagwan Kurhe "Survey of Attribute Based Encryption Schemes", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(2),88-90 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Since inception of internet security and
privacy of are the critical issues faced by
researchers. There have been many cryptographic
solutions available to solve some of these issues, but
as fine grained access control was needed existing
cryptographic solutions become unsuitable for
supporting such concept, thus researchers came with
an idea of ABE and IBE. ABE is new field in PKC
and in digital signatures. It uses access policies to
control access over encrypted data. This paper
covers study of various attribute based encryption
schemes proposed by various researchers.
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Public Key Cryptography, Attribute
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