Exploring the Image ability of the Central Business District in Sabzevar City, Iran
Mehdi Fallahi Panah, Dr. B. Shankar "Exploring the Image ability of the Central Business District in Sabzevar City, Iran", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(3),176-182 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Urban spaces are liveable, vital and
perceivable multi-dimensional places. They are
formed by buildings and blocks and are perceived
by citizens and have many inter-related urban
activities in between. The importance of socially
active city streets is considered vital not only for
people, who use the streets; but it is also important
for the health and sustainability of the city.
Sabzevar CBD streets have an important role and
challenge in place making, therefore, they should
be designed or improved as not only being a
physical path of connecting various uses but also to
create the sense of place for individuals and
communities. This paper attempts to find out the
user’s perceptions and mental images related to
SabzevarCenral Business District (CBD) and, the
spatial image, cognitive urban image was used for
study of urban design elements.
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Imageability, Mental Image, Street,
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