Characteristic Changes in Sandy Soil Reinforced with Natural Fibers
Sarikonda Venkata Sivaraju, Meherlavanya Pothula "Characteristic Changes in Sandy Soil Reinforced with Natural Fibers", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V47(4),193-205 May 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Reinforced earth is a composite material, which is a combination of soil and reinforcement, suitably placed to withstand the developed tensile stresses and also it improves the resistance of the soil in the direction of the greatest stress. India has been taking importance to transportation sector as they thought faster the transportation faster will be the growth in development of various sectors. So, Indian government has initiated different schemes like Golden quadrilateral, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) etc. Flexible pavement is more common in India and has got different layers i.e., Sub grade, Sub base, Base course and Wearing course. Sub base is the main load bearing area which minimizes the load transformation to a possible extent on the sub grade, in some cases sand in sub base in proper density and to maintain the compacted state of such sand for the service life of the road is quite difficult. Placed sand must retain the required placement density and offer same CBR value as at initial placement condition to maintain the stability of the road itself. For obtaining the required value of CBR for sub base can be achieved by addition of many alternatives such as cement, Industrial by products such as fly ash, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, low calcium fly ash, Meta kaolin, cement kiln dust, fibers [plastic waste, glass waste etc.] & cement along with fibers are used.
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Natural fiber materials jute, coir. Triaxial compression test, Unconfined compression test, Direct shear test, California bearing ratio test, Equivalent Confining Stress Concept, Pseudo – Cohesion Concept, IS 2720, Part XVI.