Data Mining for Traffic Prediction and Analysis using Big Data
Rahul Khokale, Ashwini Ghate "Data Mining for Traffic Prediction and Analysis using Big Data", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V48(3),152-156 June 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Today we are living in a data-driven world. Developments in data generation, gathering and storing technology have empowered organizations to gather data sets of massive size. Data mining is a term that blends traditional data analysis methods with cultured algorithms to handle the tasks stood by these new forms of data sets. This paper is a comparative analysis of various Data Mining of traffic data using big data, visualization and data mining techniques to predict and analyse traffic. Wireless sensor networks are a technology which has played a massive role enabling a Smarter City cities is using this technology to gather data related to traffic. The objective is to have a complete infrastructure that enable the monitoring of traffic behaviours so decisions on city development can be made in a smarter way. The work exploring the application of data mining tools to support in the progress of traffic signal judgement devices. The cluster analysis approach is able to apply a high-resolution system state description that takes advantage of the wide-ranging set of sensors arranged in a traffic signal system.
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