MADPARM: Mobile Agent based Distributed and Parallel Association Rule Mining
A.Saleem Raja, E.George Dharma Prakash Raja "MADPARM: Mobile Agent based Distributed and Parallel Association Rule Mining", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(6),375-382 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Distributed and Parallel data mining requires flexible and extensible framework to mining the useful knowledge from distributed database sites. Frequent Item-set mining is the primary step in association rule mining. Plenty of research work had been done in the distributed data mining especially association rule mining. Recently researcher deployed mobile agents for distributed association rule mining (IDMA, AEDM, AMAARM, EMADS, MADM , AeMSAR and MAD-ARM). Most of the approaches focused on reducing the communication cost by deploying multiple mobile agents and establish protocol for communication between them. This paper introduces the new novel framework which improves MADARM with parallel access of data from distributed site’s database using mobile agents (MADPARM). To improve the performance, we used compact bit table approach for mining frequent item-set (FI) from each site. Finally we present the result which shows the proposed framework gives better result than the MADARM in distributed environment.
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Distributed Association Rule Mining, Frequent Item Set Mining, Parallel Mining, Mobile agent based distributed FI mining. CBT-FI based distributed association rule mining, Compact BitTable based FI.