A Novel Mechanism utilized for Rate and Energy Control in OFDMA based Base Stations
Rakesh Kumar Rajak, Amit Tripathi, Manoj Singh Rawat "A Novel Mechanism utilized for Rate and Energy Control in OFDMA based Base Stations", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V49(6),383-387 July 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In this paper, we proposed a technique for adjustment of data transmission to enable energy efficient transmission i.e. by utilizing necessary energy for transmission. In our model we are considering downlink transmission of base station with OFDMA based component carrier considering both real time and non-real time user. We employ a computationally efficient schemes according to the fluctuating traffic loads to address the problem of energy minimization at base station transceivers, subject to constrains of minimum data rate for all users. Simulation results demonstrated that the QoS and Fairness Index among the user are much better than the existing schemes with less energy consumptions.
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OFDMA, LTE-Advanced, Energy saving mechanism, Quality of Service, Green Communication.