Comparative Study of ZCT-ZVT PWM Boost Converter and Interleaved Boost Converter
Sreelakshmi K S, Acy M Kottalil, Benny Cherian "Comparative Study of ZCT-ZVT PWM Boost Converter and Interleaved Boost Converter", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V50(2),128-136 August 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This converter introduces interleaved technology with Zero Voltage Transition (ZVT), Zero Current Transition (ZCT) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) characteristic. The interleaved approach reduces the ripple of the input current and output voltage. The active snubber cell provides switches to turn on with zero-voltage transition (ZVT) and to turn off with zero-current transition (ZCT). All the semiconductor components softly turn on and turn off with Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) or Zero Current Switching (ZCS). There is no additional voltage stress across the main and auxiliary components. The proposed converter has simple structure, minimum number of components, and ease of control. The operating stages, waveforms and the simulation results of the proposed converter using MATLAB/Simulink operated for 1.5 kW and 100 kHz is given in detail. Also the prototype of 5W and 10 kHz is designed and implemented using PIC 16F877A and analyse the result.
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Zero Voltage Transition, Pulse Width Modulation, Zero Current Transition, snubber.