Implementation of 128, 192 & 256 bits Advanced Encryption Standard on Reconfigurable Logic
Monika Gupta, Swapnil Mahto, Ambresh Patel "Implementation of 128, 192 & 256 bits Advanced Encryption Standard on Reconfigurable Logic", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V50(6),305-309 August 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Advanced encryption standard is adopted by NIST to replace data encryption standard, which was affected by several attacks. In this paper implementation of all three modes namely 128, 192 and 256 of advanced encryption standard is discussed for reconfigurable logic. All these modes are implemented using four design architectures namely: 2 stage sequential, 3 stage sequential , combinational and pipelined.
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Advanced encryption standard, Sequential, combinational, pipelined, encryption, cryptography.