Experimental investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of DI diesel engine fueled with waste plastic oil derived from municipal solid waste under the influence of n-hexanol addition, cold EGR and injection timing
D.Damodharan, A.P.Sathiyagnanam "Experimental investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of DI diesel engine fueled with waste plastic oil derived from municipal solid waste under the influence of n-hexanol addition, cold EGR and injection timing", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V54(1),1-8 December 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
To avoid the problems associated to fossil fuels, it becomes necessary to use cleaner and renewable energy sources. However, these new energy sources should compete with the prices of fossil fuels. Waste plastic oil from municipal soil waste can be an excellent alternative fuel. One disadvantage of using neat waste plastic oil is the attribute to high carcinogenic smoke emissions, hence with necessary additive this fuel can serve the transport sector. In this study waste plastic oil was blended with a renewable component n-hexanol by 70%WPO and 30% n-hexanol, combustion and emission characteristics of the blend has been studied under the influence of cold EGR and varying injection timing. Results indicated that addition of n-hexanol to the waste plastic oil has brought down the smoke emissions almost twice when compared with its pure component at all operating condition. The test blend has shown a high premixed combustion phase compared to baseline fuels, however there was a slight penalty in NOx emission which was curtailed by introduction of EGR.
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Waste plastic oil, Diesel Engine, Emission, municipal solid waste.