Effect of n-pentanol addition on performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder DI diesel engine under the influence of different EGR and injection timings
Melvin victor depoures, A.P.Sathiyagnanam "Effect of n-pentanol addition on performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder DI diesel engine under the influence of different EGR and injection timings", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V54(3),203-208 December 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Effective utilization of renewable alcohols as fuel for internal combustion engines has several benefits as it reduces the usage of non-renewable fossil fuels. In the present work the influence of EGR rate and injection timing on the performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection diesel engine has been experimentally investigated using D70P30 (70% diesel and 30% pentanol) blend as fuel. To conduct this study, we recorded the combustion and emission characteristics under nine operating conditions at three EGR rates (i.e. 10%, 20% and 30%) and three injection timings (i.e. 21°CA bTDC, 23°CA bTDC and 25°CA bTDC) under peak load at 5.3 bmep. Results indicate that at the same EGR rate and injection timing D70P30 blend shown a 10% and 25% reduction in NOx and smoke density respectively. When the EGR rate is increased there is a significant reduction in NOx emission with heavy penalty in smoke emission and combustion behavior of the engine. Advancing the injection timing reduced the smoke emission by 60% and 22% increase in NOx concentration also gave better combustion behavior due to prolonged ignition delay. It may be concluded that n-pentanol can be an excellent substitute for fossil diesel and long term durability tests have to be carried out for its commercial usage in the conventional diesel engines.
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n-pentanol, Ignition Delay, Injection Timing, Exhaust Gas Recirculation.