Automatic Meter Reading for Electricity Consumption and Billing System using Plcc
Abinayam, Abiramig, Abiramim, Gayathrik, Sobana K "Automatic Meter Reading for Electricity Consumption and Billing System using Plcc", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V57(1),23-27 March 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Electricity is required to measure power consumption.A Conventional system requires an individual and agent to physically come and take down the readings and report to household or office the amount one must pay. This process is very length and erroneous.So there is increased demand for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems which collect meter readings electronically, and its application is expanding over industrial, commercial and utility environment.The main objective of the project is focused on the application of PLCC (Power Line Carrier Communication). The important advantage of this system is that no additional transmission line is needed for the transmission of data. It gives the useful functionality of switching the power ON or OFF to the user based on the signal sends to it from the controller corresponding to the status Also the Customers can pay their bills at home through the RFID reader. The automated EB billing procedure fulfills a set of needs for the user and the EB workers.
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AMR, Power Line Carrier Communication,controller,RFID reader