Definition of Done from Academy to the Industry: An Exploratory Survey
Ana Silva, Ednaldo Dilorenzo, Mirko Perkusich, Danilo Santos, Hyggo Almeida, Angelo Perkusich "Definition of Done from Academy to the Industry: An Exploratory Survey", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V58(2),72-78 April 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Definition of Done (DoD) assures a balance between short-term delivery of features and long-term product quality. The state of the art of this area was documented in a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which found 8 papers. This study reports findings on the usage of DoD based on the SLR results, focusing on aspects such as which criteria are used and the process in which they are defined and assessed. A survey was carried out using on-line questionnaires answered by practitioners. Data was collected from agile practitioners from 16 countries and different team sizes, and the main findings are: 1) Quality management is the most popular type of criteria; (2) DoD are not defined following a standard; 3) Most projects use a single level DoD; 4) DoD is emergent during a project; 5) The criteria are visible; 6) Most projects assess DoD manually; 7) There are no empirical evidence of its effectiveness; (8) Most challenges are related to the risk of over effort and reaching agreement among stakeholders; and (9) a new criteria were reported, deploy. The main implication for research is a need for empirical studies exploring the its use. For the industry, the results can assist the definition of their own.
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Survey, Definition of Done, Agile Software Development, Software Development.