A Review Paper on Comparative Study of Soil Stabilization with Widely used Admixtures Like Lime, Cement, Flyash and Bitumen Emulsion

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-58 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Mr.Rishabh Singh, Mr. D.S. Ray, Mr. Anupam Mehrotra, Mr. Mohammad Afaque Khan
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V58P218


Mr.Rishabh Singh, Mr. D.S. Ray, Mr. Anupam Mehrotra, Mr. Mohammad Afaque Khan "A Review Paper on Comparative Study of Soil Stabilization with Widely used Admixtures Like Lime, Cement, Flyash and Bitumen Emulsion", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V58(2),96-99 April 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group

In road construction soil is used as sub base and base material. If strength of the soil is poor then soil stabilization is normally needed. Sub grade soil can be stabilised or replaced by stronger soil. There are numerous stabilizers used for soil stabilization such as Lime, Cement, Bitumen Emulsion and Flyash, in this paper we will use all these mentioned stabilizers. So that their percentage play crucial role to stabilize the soil. This will help in increasing the stability of soil mechanically.

[1] Journal of the Indian Roads Congress(2015).
[2]IRC:SP-58 Guidelines for use of Flyash in Road Embankments
[3] Cokca Erdal (2001): Effect of Fly Ash on expansive soil was studied by Erdal Cokca,FLY ASH consists of often hollow spheres of silicon, aluminum and iron oxides and unoxidized carbon.
[4] Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering by Dr. Arora.K.R.
[5] Bhuvaneshwari .S. and Gandhi .S.R.: A study was carried out by S.Bhuvaneshwari and S.R. Gandhi on the effect of engineering properties of expansive soil through an experimental programme.
[6] Air Force Manual, “Soil stabilization for Roadways and Airfields”, Department of Air Force, 1982 .
[7] Pavement Design by R Srinivasa Kumar.
[8] Specifications for Road and Bridges works.(Ministry of road Transport & highways).
[9] Das, B., 1994. Principle of Geotechnical Engineering. 3rd Edition, PWS-Kent Publishing Company.
[10] IRC:SP:89-2010- Guidelines for soil and Granular Material Stabilization using cement, Lime & Flyash.
[11] IRC:49-1973 Recommended practice for the pulverization Black cotton soils for lime stabilization.
[12] IRC:51-1992 Guidelines for the use of soil –lime mixes in road construction.
[13] IRC:88-1984 Recommended practice for lime flyash stabilized soil Base/ Sub-base in Pavement Construction.

Lime, Cement, Bitumen Emulsion, Flyash, stabilizers.