Screening and Isolation of Higher Yielding Strain for Citric Acid Production

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-60 Number-4
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Damu Mokinda Survase
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V60P231


Damu Mokinda Survase"Screening and Isolation of Higher Yielding Strain for Citric Acid Production", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V60(4),199-202 June 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Microbial production of citric acid carried out by various microorganism especially commercial productions carried out by the Aspergillus niger since twentieth century. Citric acid used as flavouring agent in food, beverages, Pharmaceutical and confectionary industries. Traditional source of citric acid is a citrus fruits. World demand and use of Citric acid in the different industries (food, beverages and pharmaceutical industries) and kitchens is increasing day by day, more than 80 lack tons/year (Pohnerkar and Desai, 2014). Natural source of citric acid was citrus fruits which contain 7-9% of citric acid which is extracted by traditional method. It was obtained by the processing of citrus fruits and precipitation with calcium salt. Now a day citrus fruits could not sufficient for fulfill the required growing demand of citric acid. Hence alternative source of citric acid production is a microbial origin. In the present study Aspergillus niger considered as more suitable than the other microorganisms for production of citric acid by fermented broth method. Many factors were affecting invitro production of citric acid. It was found that sucrose is suitable carbon source (13-15%). Similar study was carried out by Currie (1917), Wang- Jiaglong (1998). Different factors affecting microbial production of citric acid like methanol, strain of microorganism, temperature, carbon source, PH etc. were play important role in the production of citric acid. Isolation of Aspergillus niger strain from soil and lemon fruits sample collected from different localities, 2% methanol added into culture medium gives higher yield (Dhankar et al, 1974), 13% sucrose was better carbon source than the glucose and other, 4.5 PH was suitable for higher production of citric acid in vitro and in 28-300 temperature healthy growth was found (Aftab Nadeem et al, 2010).

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Citric acid, Fermentation broth, Aspergillus niger, lemon fruit, ascending chromatography