An Analytical Study of Nighttime Enhancement in foF2 during 23rd& 24th Solar Cycle at Low Latitude Station
MLA Style: Anita Agrawal, Kalpana Maski, S.K Vijay, S.D Mishra"An Analytical Study of Nighttime Enhancement in foF2 during 23rd& 24th Solar Cycle at Low Latitude Station" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 61.1 (2018): 25-30.
APA Style:Anita Agrawal, Kalpana Maski, S.K Vijay, S.D Mishra, (2018). An Analytical Study of Nighttime Enhancement in foF2 during 23rd& 24th Solar Cycle at Low Latitude StationInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 61(1), 25-30.
This paper presents nighttime enhancement in foF2 during 23rd & 24th high solar activity periodat low latitude station Jicamarca (12oS, 76.90oW). To examine the nighttime enhancement of ionosphere, we have used the ionosonde measurements for critical frequency of F2 layer. The foF2 is an important and most widely used parameter for studying the ionosphere weather. Hourly data for the year 2002 (High solar activity period for 23rd solar cycle) & 2014 (High solar activity period for 24th solar cycle) of foF2 are analyzed to study the Hourly data for the year 2002 (High solar activity period for 23rd solar cycle) & 2014 (High solar activity period for 24th solar cycle) of foF2 are analyzed to study the anomalous nighttime F-region. To examine the seasonal effects, we grouped all data into three seasons’ winter, summer and equinox using the four months of data for each season equinox (March .April, September andOctober), winter (January, February, November and December) and summer (May, June, July and August). The enhancements are expressed pre-midnight enhancement and post-midnight enhancement, according to the local time when the enhancement appeared. In 2002 out of 149 enhancements in foF2, 127 enhancements occurred during pre-midnight hours and 22 during post–midnight hours, where as in 2014 Out of 94 enhancements in foF2 91ocurred during pre-mid night hours and 03 during post- midnight hours
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Ionosphere, foF2, Solar activity Nighttime Enhancement