Queue Management: Improvement in the Call Handling Process in the I.T. Sector in an Eletric Power Company
MLA Style: Larissa Oliveira Martins, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Douglas Barbosa "Queue Management: Improvement in the Call Handling Process in the I.T. Sector in an Eletric Power Company" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.1 (2018): 1-3.
APA Style:Larissa Oliveira Martins, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Douglas Barbosa (2018). Queue Management: Improvement in the Call Handling Process in the I.T. Sector in an Eletric Power Company. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(1), 1-3.
Currently, organizations seek a differential in the quality of service provided, aiming at customer satisfaction. One of the problems faced by establishments that have flows is the capacity of service, when the customer is not met according to their expectations, due to the excess of demand, generating queues. In this way, this article exposes the importance of the active management of queues by the service managers because it persuades the user about the quality of service. In order to do so, the generation of queues is analyzed, and certain techniques are reported to mitigate the waiting time by the user in the queue, reducing their negative impacts. For the development of the work in question, statistical tools were used to aid the analysis of the processes.
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Queue theory, Attendance, Service center