Automated Prototype of a Distiller Fractioned Ethanol from Corn using the Platform Arduino
MLA Style: Pablo Mariquito Pinheiro Venturelli, Gilberto Sousa Lopes "Automated Prototype of a Distiller Fractioned Ethanol from Corn using the Platform Arduino" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.2 (2018): 89-94.
APA Style:Pablo Mariquito Pinheiro Venturelli, Gilberto Sousa Lopes (2018). Automated Prototype of a Distiller Fractioned Ethanol from Corn using the Platform Arduino. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(2), 89-94.
This study has the general objective to make a comparison between a model of an automated prototype of a distiller fractioned ethanol from corn using the arduino platform with a template without automation. It was demonstrated that the distiller fractioned in the search results had a gain higher than the method without automation. The methods applied to research was the use of empirical research, which were demostrados in search results The sample information in a comparative study, the number of experiments which have been tested on a alcoolimetro. The results of the research has demonstrated that there is a great advantage in reducing the time of ethanol production in relation to the method without the use of arduino platform.
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Prototype, distiller, ethanol, corn and arduino.