A Critical R?vi?w on FPGA Impl?m?ntation of Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform for Digital Imag? Proc?ssing Applications
MLA Style: Manoj Kumar Golе, Ambrеsh Patеl, and Sachin Bandеwar"A Critical R?vi?w on FPGA Impl?m?ntation of Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform for Digital Imag? Proc?ssing Applications" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 32-36.
APA Style:Manoj Kumar Golе, Ambrеsh Patеl, and Sachin Bandеwar (2019). A Critical R?vi?w on FPGA Impl?m?ntation of Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform for Digital Imag? Proc?ssing Applications. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(3), 32-36.
A Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform (DHT) algorithm can b? ?ffici?ntly impl?m?nt?d on a highly modular and parall?l archit?ctur? having a r?gular structur? is consisting of multipli?r and add?r. Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform (DHT) is on? of th? transform us?d for conv?rting data in tim? domain into fr?qu?ncy domain using only r?al valu?s. Many t?chnologi?s hav? b??n inv?stigat?d so far to r?duc? d?lay and ar?a of th? DHT syst?m. This pap?r pr?s?nts a compr?h?nsiv? r?vi?w of DHT for digital imag? proc?ssing using maximum combinational path d?lay (MCPD) and numb?r of slic? count of Discr?t? Hartl?y transform. A VLSI hardwar? comparison is also b?ing pr?snt?d with r?sp?ct to th? stat?-of-th?-art archit?ctur?s.
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Discr?t? Hartl?y Transform (DHT), Urdhwa Multipli?r, MCPD, and Numb?r of slic?