PRAAT Software; Utilization of Computerized Approach for Determination of Variation Present in Recorded Audios from Distinct Sources
MLA Style: Smriti Rawat, Tasbiha Khan, Dr Amit Chauhan "PRAAT Software; Utilization of Computerized Approach for Determination of Variation Present in Recorded Audios from Distinct Sources" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 111-114.
APA Style:Smriti Rawat, Tasbiha Khan, Dr Amit Chauhan (2019). PRAAT Software; Utilization of Computerized Approach for Determination of Variation Present in Recorded Audios from Distinct Sources. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(3), 111-114.
In Forensic Field, various sources of evidences play a vital role to establish a link between the crime, preparator and the victim. These types of evidences which might be in physical form or material quality, any tangible article, biological form of evidences or chemical etc. Physical evidence is any evidence that have physical or material quality, a tangible article no matter whether microscopic or macroscopic. It encompasses all objects, living or inanimate; solid-, liquid, or gas. Among these physical evidences i.e. fingerprints, palm prints hair strands, blood etc. there is an important class of physical evidences which is audio evidences.Audio forensics involves acquisition, analysis, and evaluation of audio recordings that may eventually be presented as admissible evidence in the court of law. These audio recordings may turn out to be very important evidences in the field of forensic science. They can be encountered most frequently in the cases of ransom calls, cybercrimes, lost and found cases, etc. They may be available from the emergency call helpline, telephone answering machines, voicemail recording, cell phones and computer files. This study was carried out to analyze the authenticity of recoded audios of an individual by various modes of recordings. As a resultant of this study, it was observed that distinct mode of recordings affects the quality of recoding required a repair before the conclusion. This study can be helpful to determine the time duration of recorded audio based on intensity and the length of pitch.
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Recorded audio, evidences, computerized approach, variation, software etc.