An Efficient Approach for Accident Detection System
MLA Style: Tanaya Achalkar, Shrinath Panmand, Saurabh Naik, Dilip Patil, Rachna Sonkumwar "An Efficient Approach for Accident Detection System" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 4-7.
APA Style:Tanaya Achalkar, Shrinath Panmand, Saurabh Naik, Dilip Patil, Rachna Sonkumwar (2019). An Efficient Approach for Accident Detection System. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(4), 4-7.
Web of Things is a developing innovation having the capacity to alter the way we live. In IoT vision, each and each ‘thing’ has the capacity of talking to each other that brings the thought of Web of Everything in reality. Various IoT administrations can make our standard of living simpler, more intelligent, and indeed more secure. Utilizing IoT in planning a few uncommon administrations can make a lifesaver framework. In this paper, we have displayed an IoT empowered approach that can give crisis communication and area following administrations in an inaccessible car that meets a disastrous mischance or any other crisis circumstance. Quickly after a mischance or a crisis, the framework either begins naturally or may be activated physically. Depending upon sort of crisis (police and security, fire and protect, therapeutic, or respectful) it starts communication and offers basic data e.g. area data, a set of pertinent pictures taken from prefixed points etc. with fitting server / specialist. Arrangement of intuitively real-time interactive media communication, real-time area following etc. have moreover been coordinates to the proposed framework to screen the precise condition in real-time premise.
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Internet of Things (IoT); Smart City; Emergency Location Tracking; Emergency Rescue System;