Design, Construction and Testing of a Viscometer
MLA Style: S. A. Anjorin , S. O. Mebude "Design, Construction and Testing of a Viscometer" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 111-120.
APA Style:S. A. Anjorin , S. O. Mebude (2019). Design, Construction and Testing of a Viscometer International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(6), 111-120.
This paper presents the design and testing of a locally fabricated viscometer. The need for a locally fabricated viscometer to measure the viscosity of lubricants is underpinned by the prohibitive cost of imported laboratory equipment such as the viscometers. The kinematic viscosities ofSAE 40, Palm oil and Soybean oil were measuredusing the fabricated viscometer. Experimentalresults showed that theviscosityof Palm oil and Soybean oil at 40 oC was40.87 mm2/s and 32.01mm2/s respectively. The viscosity of SAE 40 (Engine oil) was 13.65 ± 0.013 mm2/s (90% confidence level) at 100oC.
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