Motion Estimation Algorithms for Baseline Profile of H.264 Video Codec
Dharmendra Jha , Fremin Kannampuzha , Justin Joseph , Stevew Possa , Dr. Deepak Jayaswal , Santosh Chapaneri. "Motion Estimation Algorithms for Baseline Profile of H.264 Video Codec". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(4):727-733 Apr 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The H.264 video compression standard is the most efficient video compression techniques available today. H.264 encoder can reduc e the size of a digital video file by more than 80% compared with the Motion JPEG format and as much as 50% more than with the MPEG - 4 Part 2 standard, thus ensuring less network bandwidth and storage space. H.264 supports video compression through motion e stimation. Various algorithms have been developed for the process of motion estimation and to meet the requirement of better compression quality and less computational time. The block matching algorithms (BMA) are the simplest method to obtain motion vecto rs. Full Search (FS) is an optimal search algorithm, but it suffers from high computational time. Motivated by the need for fast and accurate motion estimation, we present sub - optimal and adaptive search techniques for motion estimation, which have good mo tion estimation time (MET) with fewer number of search points and have almost similar compression quality as that of the full search technique.
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H.264/AVC, Block Matching Algorithms, Motion Estimation, Optimal Algorithms .