Adaptive Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Increasing Life of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Nagashetty B Kolar, Dr. Raju Ramakrishna Gondkar
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I1P215


MLA Style: Nagashetty B Kolar, Dr. Raju Ramakrishna Gondkar  "Adaptive Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Increasing Life of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.1 (2020):95-97.

APA Style:Nagashetty B Kolar, Dr. Raju Ramakrishna Gondkar. Adaptive Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Increasing Life of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(1),95-97.

Power is rare in portable figuring gadgets remembering wearable and implantable gadgets for a remote body zone arrange. In this paper, a versatile directing convention is created and broke down which limits the vitality cost per bit of data by utilizing the channel data to pick the best technique to course information. In this methodology, the source hub will switch among direct and handed-off correspondence dependent on the nature of the connection and will utilize the hand-off just if the channel quality is beneath a specific limit. The scientific model is then approved through recreations which shows that the versatile directing system can improve vitality proficiency fundamentally contrasted and existing strategies


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Mobile computing, Energy.