Big Data Analytics - Pertaining Technology ‘Vocative’ to Big Data Enhancing Organisational Capabilities

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Deepa Priyanshu , Dr. Rubina Liyakat Khan
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I8P209S


MLA Style: Deepa Priyanshu , Dr. Rubina Liyakat Khan  "Big Data Analytics - Pertaining Technology ‘Vocative’ to Big Data Enhancing Organisational Capabilities" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.8(2020):46-52. 

APA Style:Deepa Priyanshu , Dr. Rubina Liyakat Khan. Big Data Analytics - Pertaining Technology ‘Vocative’ to Big Data Enhancing Organisational Capabilities  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(8),46-52.

Data is a word which is as old as human history. For centuries organisations have been relying on the various types of data for their effectiveness and performance. Big data analytics (BDA) is a technological way to deal with complex situations that persist in a business. These areas have been drawing the interest of various academicians and industrial practitioner from the beginning of these areas. These technologies are used by the organisations in an integrated manner than they can create wonders in the effectiveness and performance of the organisation. This paper is divided in three sections. In the first section of this paper the researcher has tried to throw light on the various aspects of the Big data in terms of characteristics. The researcher has analysed the various aspects of characteristics of big data defined till date discussed the role of data characteristics step by step as they have evolved on the organisational effectiveness and performance. Second section justifies the use of new characteristics in organisations. Third section of this paper proposes a new model using the new characteristics for future use.


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Data, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Characteristics