Multimodal Anesthesia Using Xenon and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation During Dental Implantation
MLA Style: Igor Alexandrovich Shugaylov, Oleg Nikolaevich Moskovets, Dmitry Konstantinovich Yudin, Igor Anatolyevich Zinovjev "Multimodal Anesthesia Using Xenon and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation During Dental Implantation" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.8(2020):85-96.
APA Style:Igor Alexandrovich Shugaylov, Oleg Nikolaevich Moskovets, Dmitry Konstantinovich Yudin, Igor Anatolyevich Zinovjev. Multimodal Anesthesia Using Xenon and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation During Dental Implantation International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(8), 85-96.
The use of xenon in medicine has great potential for increasing the efficiency and safety of general medicine and surgical service. Over the past decades, the development of methods for the use of xenon has significantly intensified, however, work in this direction is mainly limited to experimental studies on animals. In this research, the authors studied the effect of conscious sedation by preliminary inhalation using 30/70 xenon-oxygen mix during dental implantation on the amount of pain, indicators of the psychoemotional state, central hemodynamics, the amount of pain and tissue swelling in the postoperative period, the ratio of the sympathetic tonus and parasympathetic tonus, and saturation of peripheral blood with oxygen at the stages of operation. Additionally, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and local anesthesia, which use mechanisms of an antinociceptive effect that differ from that of xenon, were used to increase the pain-alleviating effect. A group of patients that received only local anesthesia was used for comparison. The use of multimodal anesthesia significantly reduced the anxiety and depression, stabilized the arterial pressure and reduced the cardiac rate, increased the parasympathetic tonus and oxygen saturation, reduced the amount of pain at the stages of operation and in the postoperative period, and reduced edema on the third day after the operation. Reduced soreness at all stages of the operation allowed significantly reducing the consumption of local anesthetic and using a less traumatic technique for local anesthesia. Patients showed no negative psychoemotional reactions and somatic complications during surgery; there were no complications during the period of adaptation and integration of implants. It was shown that pronounced parasympathicotonia developed after inhalation of xenon-oxygen mix, which can cause the development of a side effect of xenon – postoperative nausea and vomiting. The additional use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduced the parasympathetic tonus, potentiated the painalleviating effect and did not have a significant effect on the psychotropic effect of xenon. The proposed method of short-period preliminary inhalation of xenon-oxygen mix provides proper anesthesia, increases the safety of the intervention and allows obtaining high clinical results for the treatment of patients with various forms of edentia.
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xenon, dental implantation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, adentia, psychotropic effect, antinociceptive effect, Multimodal anesthesia.