The Accuracy of Remote Sensing Image Interprepation On Changes In Land Use Suitability In Merauke Regency Papua
MLA Style: Heru Ismanto, Abner Doloksaribu, Diana Sri Susanti, Dina Fitri Septarini "The Accuracy of Remote Sensing Image Interprepation On Changes In Land Use Suitability In Merauke Regency Papua" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.10(2020):42-47.
APA Style:Heru Ismanto, Abner Doloksaribu, Diana Sri Susanti, Dina Fitri Septarini. The Accuracy of Remote Sensing Image Interprepation On Changes In Land Use Suitability In Merauke Regency Papua International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(10),42-47.
Land use suitability is the real manifestation of human activities on land, which causes changes in land use. This research is conducted in Merauke Regency by collecting samples in four districts, namely Merauke, Semangga, Tanah Miring, and Kurik. The researcher identifies changes in land use suitability, shape, and distribution of land use changes and evaluates land suitability between land use maps using remote sensing and the actual field data in Merauke Regency.
The data in this study were image data using remote sensing method and other supporting data. The image data were then interpreted digitally using the classification method as a reference when conducting observation in the field. After adjusting them to the existing field conditions, they were then reclassified using the manual interpretation method (digitizing on screen). Next, an accuracy test was carried out to determine the level of accuracy of the image used.
The results of the accuracy test show that the level of accuracy is 86.04% and obtain eight land use classifications, namely settlement, medium-density forest, high-density forest, shrubs, bare soil, crop field, rice fields, and waters. Five of those eight land classifications have changed in the land use suitability, namely high-density forest, medium-density forest, shrubs, bare soil, and crop field.
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Interpretation, Remote Sensing, Land Use Suitability, Merauke, Papua