An Empirical Analysis On Evaluation of Safety Attitudes And Perceptions of Civil Engineering And Construction Management Personnel

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-10
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : V. Thirugnana Sambandan, T. Felix Kala, S. Nallusamy
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I10P213


MLA Style: V. Thirugnana Sambandan, T. Felix Kala, S. Nallusamy  "An Empirical Analysis On Evaluation of Safety Attitudes And Perceptions of Civil Engineering And Construction Management Personnel" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.10(2020):74-80. 

APA Style:V. Thirugnana Sambandan, T. Felix Kala, S. Nallusamy. An Empirical Analysis On Evaluation of Safety Attitudes And Perceptions of Civil Engineering And Construction Management Personnel  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(10),74-80.

Safety climate is defined as the attitudes and perceptions of the personnel about their work settings. The term safety climate is derived from the organisational climate. Literatures reveal that the climate is the manifestation of the culture. The safety culture is an integral part of an organisational culture. The organisational culture varies from organisation to organisation and hence the safety culture also varies from organisation to organisation. The safety culture is influenced by the attitudes and perceptions of the personnel working in the particular organisation. The safety culture can be measured by the safety climate. In other words, the attitudes and perceptions related safety will have to be captured to ascertain the safety culture prevailing in the organisations. The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the differences and to identify the most discriminating safety climate variables among various group organisations. The attitudes and perceptions of construction personnel were measured through questionnaire based survey. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed for the extraction of safety climate factors. The factor analysis extracted four factors for the safety climate. Out of 25 variables 24 variables were retained in the final factor solution. The descriptive analysis revealed that the safety awareness and beliefs among the management personnel are relatively high, management commitment towards safety is moderate and the supportive work environment needs improvements to enhance the safety culture. Further, a linear discriminant analysis was also performed to determine the most discriminating safety climate variables between the three group organisations. Out of 21 variables 12 variables were revealed significant differences amongst three groups. All six variables of physical work environment factor revealed statistically significant differences among the group means.


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Construction, Safety Culture, Organisational Culture, Questionnaire, PCA, Linear Discriminant Analysis, SPSS