The Influence of Wetting of Flow Passage Surfaces in Pumps-as-Turbines on Their Energetic Characteristics

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : A.V. Volkov, A.V. Ryzhenkov, A.A. Vikhlyantsev, A.A. Druzhinin, S.P. Cherepanov, Ji?í Šoukal, Milan Sedla?, Martin Komárek, František Pochylý, Pavel Rudolf, Simona Fialová
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I11P203


MLA Style: A.V. Volkov, A.V. Ryzhenkov, A.A. Vikhlyantsev, A.A. Druzhinin, S.P. Cherepanov, Ji?í Šoukal, Milan Sedla?, Martin Komárek, František Pochylý, Pavel Rudolf, Simona Fialová  "The Influence of Wetting of Flow Passage Surfaces in Pumps-as-Turbines on Their Energetic Characteristics" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.11(2020):16-24. 

APA Style:A.V. Volkov, A.V. Ryzhenkov, A.A. Vikhlyantsev, A.A. Druzhinin, S.P. Cherepanov, Ji?í Šoukal, Milan Sedla?, Martin Komárek, František Pochylý, Pavel Rudolf, Simona Fialová. The Influence of Wetting of Flow Passage Surfaces in Pumps-as-Turbines on Their Energetic Characteristics  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(11),16-24.

This article describes the procedure of consideration for wettability of flow passage surfaces of hydropower equipment upon numerical solution of 3D problems of hydrodynamic analysis using commercial software. The experimental studies performed in Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) and devoted to the influence of wettability of internal surfaces of Du25, Du50, Du65 and Du80 pipes on hydraulic loss are systemized. The interrelation between wetting angle, equivalent sand roughness, and generalized indicator, roughness coefficient, has been determined. FlowVision software was used for verification of the proposed procedure and the influence of wettability of single elements of flow passage in M29 pump-as-turbine in pump and turbine modes on its energetic characteristics was predicted.


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pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES), pump-as-turbine, hydraulic loss, hydrophobic coating, flow passage, wetting angle, numerical simulation.