Analysis of Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using LPB and Deep Learning Techniques
MLA Style: Manojkumar S B, H S Sheshadri. Analysis of Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using LPB and Deep Learning Techniques International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.12(2020):123-131.
APA Style:Manojkumar S B, H S Sheshadri. Analysis of Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using LPB and Deep Learning Techniques. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(12), 123-131.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) arises when not the pancreas secretes enough insulin or the body has been unable to absorb it adequately. This contributes to an abnormal rise in the blood level of glucose. Many human body parts would be affected. One of those is also among those eyes. This high glucose level causes damage to blood vessels over time. It is estimated that 95i percent of individuals who are determined to have diabetes have category 2. Around eighty percent of falls into category 2 cases are overweight. Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) disease leads to visual loss. Regular screening and treatment are needed. Many approaches have applied for the detection and identification of the DR from the past decade using some mathematical and image processing algorithms, features extraction techniques, and artificial neural network classification. Few are failed during the pre-processing stage, feature extraction stage, vessel extraction, and the classification stage. In this paper, it is identified all stages of diabetic retinopathy during the early stage by developing the regions of a retina image to show the specific region of interest in terms of its severity level by collecting the large data from Kaggle, DIARETDB0, and DIARETDB1 dataset and then pre-trained the models and applied to LPB and deep learning classifiers and able to obtain the results and analysis those hypothesis results and achieve 65% predicted correctly.
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Diabetic Retinopathy, Hemorrhages, Exudates, Microaneurysms, NPDR.