Repercussion on Plastic Zones Formed in Vertically Oriented Planar Wall
MLA Style: Vikram S. Singh, Keshav K. Sangle "Repercussion on Plastic Zones Formed in Vertically Oriented Planar Wall" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.2(2021):19-24.
APA Style:Vikram S. Singh, Keshav K. Sangle. Repercussion on Plastic Zones Formed in Vertically Oriented Planar Wall International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(2),19-24.
Vertically oriented planar wall has become very popular worldwide for stabilizing the high-rise structures against the lateral forces. In contrast, very little research, primarily lead to problems in accurately modelling the complicated behaviour of concrete, has indeed been concerned with simulation. A simple yet versatile finite element (FE) model for the simulation of shear wall behaviour with varying mesh sizes is presented in this paper. To capture the concrete-to-reinforcement relationship behaviour, a concrete damage plasticity model is proposed. Also, for carrying out effective simulation of concrete structures, much more important constitutive model available in ABAQUS is Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP). It only needs the specific material parameters (i.e. no arbitrary user specified parameter is needed, like that of the shear retention factor) as well can be implemented directly in the ABAQUS CAE software. These are two additional advantages in conjunction to accuracy that model has. Model predictions are contrasted with actual experimental data on shear walls subject to monotonous loading conditions. Further investigation was carried out by simulating the wall with varying mesh sizes for observing the effect of mesh sizes on to the plastic zone which is formed at the base of shear wall under extreme loading condition.
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ABAQUS CAE, Nonlinear Analysis, Plastic Zone, Plastic Hinge, Vertically Oriented Planar Shear Wall.