Modeling Abandoned Object Detection And Recognition In Real-Time Surveillance
MLA Style: WWWWTWKMRNDB Weliwita, JAP Isuru, SC Premaratne "Modeling Abandoned Object Detection And Recognition In Real-Time Surveillance" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.2(2021):188-193.
APA Style:WWWWTWKMRNDB Weliwita, JAP Isuru, SC Premaratne. Modeling Abandoned Object Detection And Recognition In Real-Time Surveillance. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(2), 188-193.
This paper presents the model`s accuracy of abandoned object detection and recognition in real-time surveillance. There basically focused three models call Faster Region Convolutional Neural Network (Faster RCNN), Single Shot Multiple Detector (SSD), and You Only Look Once Version 3 (YOLO-Version 3). The research tested under MXnet Framework used the GluonCV Library for object detection, OpenCV used for pre-processing, and other preliminary adjustments of captured video inputs in the Python 3.8 Platform. The objectives of the research listed as acquiring knowledge on abandoned object detection, algorithms, different frameworks, and neural network. Identifying significant parameters, determining accuracy performances of the different models, and finalizing the most accurate model in real-time recognition and detection of an object. The research focused on the use of practical readings and calculation of the accuracy from ‘Confution Matrix.’ It suffices to obtain the maximum accurate results of each model separately. Python program used to obtain the input videos to decide the abundancy very sensitively. Then those reading tested and received the results with percentage value to decide the accuracy. Finally, the Confusion Matrix could be able to provide the results separately. Those results revealed that YOLO-V3 gave the most accurate results; secondly, SSD and third place goes to Faster RCNN.
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