Prototype of Drowsiness Detection For Drivers Using Facial Recognition
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Yordin Ricra-Chauca, Erick Churampi-Camacuari, Alexi Delgado, Enrique Lee Huamaní, "Prototype of Drowsiness Detection For Drivers Using Facial Recognition," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 45-50, 2021. Crossref,
In this study it was observed that many drivers have had difficulties in resting their full hours at least 8 hours, which is recommended for this reason a prototype of mobile application was proposed to help drivers who present these problems through information processes. The methodology that will help how to develop this application will be the Scrum methodology because it is adaptable according to the profile that is being required and easy to adapt to the constant changes that will arise in the process of its development, given the large number of accidents, which arise daily requires an absolutely fast delivery with the necessary resources that the application requires, with the efficiency in the response time to an eventuality, because in the long stretches, fatigue and sleepiness are caused by traffic accidents on the roads of Peru, Acute sleep deprivation, night driving habits, prolonged hours without the required rest, alcohol consumption, untreated sleep disorders, these are the symptoms that drivers often have, of course is progressively decreasing their ability to attention and concentration while driving, making you lose the ability to respond to specific conditions that require immediate reactions when going on the road, blinking or drowsiness when driving expresses a high level of fatigue and sleep. The accidents produced by the circumstances described above have a high degree of accident rate in terms of passengers killed, injured and material losses. And so it will be of great result and benefit to maximize the increase in vehicle safety and to be able to implement it in different vehicles.
Vehicle drivers, Scrum methodology, drowsiness, facial recognition.
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