Experimental Study On Characteristic of Slurry Flow Regime In Pipeline

Experimental Study On Characteristic of Slurry Flow Regime In Pipeline

© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Ratna Bachrun, Muhammad Saleh Pallu, Muhammad Arsyad Thaha, Bambang Bakri
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I7P210

How to Cite?

Ratna Bachrun, Muhammad Saleh Pallu, Muhammad Arsyad Thaha, Bambang Bakri, "Experimental Study On Characteristic of Slurry Flow Regime In Pipeline," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 69-75, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I7P210

Flow mixed with solid particles or sediment is a problem that often occurs in open and closed channels. The properties of flow and sediment in pipelines and the interactions that occur are very influential factors in sediment transport. Due to this interaction, the sediment flow will experience a loss of energy along with the flow, which can reduce the channel`s performance in reduced flow velocity and the appearance of deposits in the pipeline. This study aims to analyze the changes in velocity and sediment transport in pipelines. Energy loss depends on pipe diameter, sediment velocity, pipe length, coefficient of friction, and force of gravity. The research was conducted using experimental laboratory methods using a pipeline network with 4 flow variations (0.005 m3/s, 0.004 m3/s, 0.003 m3/s, 0.002 m3/s) and 3 variations sediment sizes (0.15mm, 0.25mm and 0.42mm) .In sediment size 0.15mm, the flow velocity value is 1.88m / s - 0, 63m / s, size 0.25mm is 1.77m / s - 0.63m / s and 0.42mm is 1.40m / s - 0.44m / s. Due to the velocity changes and flow at four flow variations and three sediment variations, three sediment flow regimes are produced: the heterogeneous regime, the moving bed flow regime, and the moving bed. Stationary flow regime. The result shows that the larger the sediment size (ds), the more the flow velocity (v) decreases, and the sedimentation velocity becomes greater (vL).

Flow, Sediment size, Velocity, Energy loss, Flow regime

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