BICM Module of Next Generation Handheld Broadcasting for System Diversity Development in Multipath Fading Channels

BICM Module of Next Generation Handheld Broadcasting for System Diversity Development in Multipath Fading Channels

© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Hamzah Sabr Ghayyib, Samir Jasim Mohammed
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I8P212

How to Cite?

Hamzah Sabr Ghayyib, Samir Jasim Mohammed, "BICM Module of Next Generation Handheld Broadcasting for System Diversity Development in Multipath Fading Channels," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 96-101, 2021. Crossref,

One of the main modifications introduced by Digital Video Broadcasting Next Generation Handheld (DVB-NGH) is the advanced module of Bit-interleaved coded and modulation (BICM). This module is derived from a sub-set of Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial Second Generation (DVB-T2) BICM components with supplementary features purposed to minimize the receiver decoding complexity, power consumption and improve system robustness over mobile reception. This paper investigates the diversity gain achieved from the new components introduced in the DVB-NGH BICM module. Two types of rotation techniques have been used with this module, two dimensions and four dimensions rotated constellations (2D, 4D-RC), based on the selected code rate. The obtained gain is also compared to the gain achieved from the T2-Lite system with its original BICM module and rotated constellations scheme. The simulation results have been performed under various fading channels such as Ricean F1, Rayleigh P1, and 0 dB Echo to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed module. Finally, obtained results offer an outstanding improvement in system robustness when employing the DVB-NGH BICM module compared to the original T2-Lite BICM module. The highest gains achieved with the QPSK constellation and 11/15 code rates are 3.5 and 3.1 dB for 0 dB Echo and Rayleigh channels, respectively.

DVB-NGH, T2-Lite System, BICM Module, 2D and 4D Rotated Constellations, Diversity Gain.

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