Pre-Recover from a Node Failure in Ad hoc Network Using Reactive Protocols
M.Sureka , S.L.Jany Shabu."Pre-Recover from a Node Failure in Ad hoc Network Using Reactive Protocols", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(5),262-266 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Ad-hoc Network is an infrastructure less networks, which will configure by it without any base stations. A mobile ad hoc network will move freely in any direction without any restrictions. Reactive protocol will intimate route discovery only when it wants to send data to the destination. The Sensor will monitor their surroundings and forward the data to the actor nodes. An actor has to coordinate their operations and it is necessary to maintain a strongly connected network topology all the times. Moreover the path between the actors may be constrained to meet latency requirements. However, a failure of an actor may cause the network to partition into disjoint blocks. One of the efficient recovery methodologies is to automatically reposition a subset of the actor nodes to restore connectivity. In this paper, we propose Distributed Routing algorithm relies on the local view of a node that relocates the least number of nodes and provides prefailure intimation before node failure occurs. The performance of Distributed Routing algorithm and Network Topology Management techniques is analyzed and validated through network simulation.
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