Methods of Making Laboratory Scale CPHMA Specimens

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Special Issue
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Ludfi Djakfar, Wisnumurti, Lila Khamelda
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-AIIC102


MLA Style: Ludfi Djakfar, Wisnumurti, Lila Khamelda  "Methods of Making Laboratory Scale CPHMA Specimens" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (2020):6-9. 

APA Style:Ludfi Djakfar, Wisnumurti, Lila Khamelda. Methods of Making Laboratory Scale CPHMA Specimens International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 6-9.

The long-term objective of this research is to substitute the role of petroleum asphalt in road constructions with asbuton (asphalt concrete). This will not only have a positive impact in terms of empowering local resources, but also to increase the role of technology in asbuton use, as well as to decrease dependence on overseas asphalt supply. Abundant deposits of asbuton in Indonesia have not been utilized to their maximum potential, due to inadequate quality of asbuton, better performance of petroleum asphalt, and constraints related to supply chain. It has caused road contractors’ reluctance to use asbuton. One of the hurdles in production process is the need for a modifier to extract asbuton bitumen. To date, no material has been found which would be able to do the maximum extraction. Due to this constraint, users assumed that the lack of bitumen in asbuton would result in more asbuton needed to construct roads than petroleum asphalt with the same volume. This caused asbuton to be more expensive than petroleum asphalt. This research is the first step of a laboratory-scale testing on the application of modifier on CPHMA with many variables that affect the performance of asbuton, one of which is the method of making the test objects. The results of the study, obtained a method with the addition of the standing process after the submerging process gives better performance than conventional methods, while the application of the process in the field can be in the form of the use of roads which are delayed a day after the compaction process.


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Asbuton, bitument, CPHMA