Knowledge Management Applications & Technologies in the Digital Transformation Age

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Special Issue
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Osama A. Zamzami, Obey A. Mohsen
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-AIIC108


MLA Style: Osama A. Zamzami, Obey A. Mohsen  "Knowledge Management Applications & Technologies in the Digital Transformation Age" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (2020):38-44. 

APA Style:Osama A. Zamzami, Obey A. Mohsen. Knowledge Management Applications & Technologies in the Digital Transformation Age  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 38-44.

The paper explores the knowledge management applications & technologies used in Saudi Aramco’s Area Information Technology Department (AITD), and illustrates digital transformation support in reaching knowledge management goals. The research chose the descriptive method, as it is most suitable to its nature and conforms best to the research problem. The study results revealed that there are 18 related knowledge management systems used by AITD. The identified systems mainly related to the following knowledge management technology types: knowledge elicitation, case-based reasoning, data mining, computer communication, office automation, knowledge repositories, and decision support systems. The study revealed that Skype, e- Learning, Shahed, ShareK, and Microsoft Office are knowledge management technology systems that support the company mobile workforce, especially under emergencies and pandemics.


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Knowledge Management Technology (KMT), Saudi Aramco Company, Area Information Technology Department (AITD)