S.No |
Articles |
Ref. No |
1 | Design And Implementation Of Multiple Output Switch Mode Power Supply - Amit , Dr. Manoj Kumar |
IJETT-V4I10p247 |
2 | A Novel Hybrid CQI Feedback Method For Throughput Improvement In 3GPP LTE Systems - Onkar Dandekar |
IJETT-V4I10p248 |
3 | Pattern Discovery For Text Mining Using Pattern Taxonomy - Dipti S.Charjan, Prof. Mukesh A.Pund |
IJETT-V4I10p249 |
4 |
- Mandeep Chahal , Vikram Singh , Rohit Garg , Sudhir Kumar |
IJETT-V4I10p250 |
5 | Power Aware Location Aided Routing - Parul Tomar |
IJETT-V4I10p253 |
Journal Metrics
Acceptance Ratio - 13%
Submission to Final Decision - 50 Days
Acceptance to Publication - 20 Days
Citescore - 1.7
Country Coverage - 112