Tweakof Voltage Profile Considering Uncertain Load Models in Power Systems using TLBO
Namami Krishna Sharma, S. C. Choube, Aishwarya Varma "Tweakof Voltage Profile Considering Uncertain Load Models in Power Systems using TLBO", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(2),48-55 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Actual power system exhibits various uncertainties. This paper focuses on theload uncertainty impact on potential variables at multiple frames. Various load models based on normal, exponential, beta, gamma and lognormal distribution have been used. Subjected to above uncertain inputs adverse case is identified by severity indexwhile considering line flow limits. The violation in stability limits due to load uncertainties have been limited by designing the constrained objective function to improve voltage profile and in turn reduce active and reactive power losses by minimizing severity index. A single objective problem is designed to minimize severity of bus index, subsequently minimum voltage deviation and minimum power losses were achieved while satisfying the operating constraints. The SVC is used as a control variable. The selection of candidate busesfor placement of SVCs is obtained by calculating the L-Index of load buses. Lastly, Teaching Learning based Optimization (TLBO) is used to obtain optimal value of control variable. The results are validated with the help of other optimization technique namely, Black Hole Algorithm (BHA). IEEE-30 bus system is used to implement the aforementioned problem.
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Voltage Stability; load uncertainties; L-index; SVC; TLBO; BHA.