Friction and Wear of Tribo-Elements in Power Producing Units for IC Engines- A Review
Roop Lal , R C Singh , Ranganath M S , S Maji. "Friction and Wear of Tribo-Elements in Power Producing Units for IC Engines- A Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V14(5),225-231 Aug 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Piston rings are vital components in the internal combustion (IC) engines having reciprocative motion. The oil film thichness plays important roll and finally affects the performance of engine. Surface roughness of tribo pair material at the junction produce friction and it varies throughout the stroke length of piston. Loss of power in lubrication has the shear force due to boundary conditions. The tribological performance in IC engine can be understood when friction and wear are considered. It is also necessary to study the factors influencing reliability and performance along with wear . From the view point of tribo element it is very important to know the specific load, speeds and temperatures for the major components of engine like piston assembly, valve train, the journal bearing and lower viscocity engine oil for lubrication. This paper explains the studies made on Cylinder liner and Piston rings interface. Published data on friction and wear have been collected from various researchers concluded from their experiments and experiences.
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Piston Rings, Friction, Cylinder liner, IC Engines, Wear