Design, Analysis & Fabrication of Efficycle: A Hybrid Tricycle
Prof. S. U. Gunjal, Prof. G. D. Sonawane, Prof. S. P. Awate, Prof. D. R. Satpute "Design, Analysis & Fabrication of Efficycle: A Hybrid Tricycle", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V17(8),389-394 Nov 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
There is increasing concern over congestion and pollution associated with the use of motor vehicle for personal transport. This project aims to design a vehicle that could be viable alternative to cars for short distance journeys. The designed vehicle is an Ultra Light Vehicle. It is powered by a hybrid human-electric drive system. The vehicle design adopts off-the-shelf bicycle and electric vehicle technology which work together to create a lightweight vehicle. A concept frame was devised for investigation for the project. It incorporates straight-ahead position that has theoretical safety benefits, while at the same time remaining simple in its design. The frame design consists of just two members which make manufacturing easy. A preliminary study into this frame’s structural integrity has been completed. The vehicle can seat two adults, each of whom could power it via foot pedaling. A mechanical drive system – which on its own could power the vehicle – has also been designed, as has an electrical drive system that can be retrofitted at the rear side.
[1] SAE -NIS Efficycle 2012® rolebook
[2] P. C. Sharma, Production Engineering
[3] Khurmi Gupta, Theorey of Machine, Third Edition
[4] S. S. Rattan, Theorey of Machine, Third Edition
[5] V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Third Edition
[6] Thomas Gillespie, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
Efficycle, pollution, ultra light, hybrid, mechanical drive.