Composite Elastic Modulus Aids Well Performance and Permeability Predictions
Tom Aage Jelmert "Composite Elastic Modulus Aids Well Performance and Permeability Predictions", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V29(1),12-17 November 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
A traditional analytical model for well
performance predictions is based on Darcy’s law and the
slightly compressible fluid assumption. The latter
assumption is not consistent with the principle of
conservation of mass. Quadratic gradient terms are
neglected. The elastic moduli of fluid and rock may give rise
to quadratic terms. Many studies investigate the effect of one
or two quadratic gradient terms. The objective of the present
study is to generalize the traditional model to accommodate
an arbitrary number of quadratic gradient terms and to
facilitate well performance and permeability predictions.
The methodology depends on the assumption that each
pressure dependent variable may be approximated by an
exponential function of pressure or equivalently of a
constant value of the corresponding elastic modulus. This
assumption may be reasonable for some deep reservoirs.
Then, the non-linear Darcy equation may be linearized by
use of a composite elastic modulus. We find that the effect
of quadratic terms cannot be overlooked for large values of
the composite elastic modulus and/or large pressure
differences between the outer boundary and the wellbore.
Hence, we expect the generalized model to work better for
deep reservoirs than for shallow ones. The technique may be
extended to time dependent flow, but with reduced accuracy.
The diffusivity still depends on pressure. Then, perturbation
techniques may be necessary.
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