A Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Approach for Bug Prediction using Software Metrics
Aditi Thakur, Dr. Ajay Goel"A Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Approach for Bug Prediction using Software Metrics", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(2),85-92 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Software quality is an important factor
since software systems are playing a key role in
today’s world. There are several perspectives within
the field on software quality measurement. This
measurement is frequently used so many defects which
can cause crashes, failures, or security breaches
encountered in the software. Testing the software for
such defect is essential to enhance the quality.
However, due to the increase in intricacy of software
manual testing was becoming extremely time
consuming task and some automatic supporting tools
have been developed. One such supporting tool is
defect prediction models. Some defect prediction
models can be found in the literature and most of them
share a common procedure to develop the models. In
general, the models’ development procedure indirectly
assumes that underlying data distribution of software
systems is relatively stable over time. But, this
assumption is not necessarily true and consequently,
the reliability of those models is doubtful at some
points in time.
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