Performance Analysis of Cooling Tower
M.V.H.Satish Kumar"Performance Analysis of Cooling Tower", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(9),442-448 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Power plants, some other industries produce a large quantity of waste heat in the form of hot water. In the present scenario, in most of the places, the water supply is limited and thermal pollution is also a serious concern. Considering the recent increase of interest in analysing these problems and solving them for the well being of the environment, this work is an attempt to deal with the technology, applications of cooling towers. In this present study, the factors affecting the performance like environmental conditions, cooling water quality have been studied on Induced draft cooling tower of 32 Mw thermal power plant. The performance parameters like range, approach, cooling capacity, evaporation loss liquid to gas ratio have been evaluated when the plant is operated at full load and part load under the same water flow rates.
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Power plant, cooling tower, induced draft, range, approach, environmental conditions, cooling capacity, evaporation loss, L/G ratio, water flow rates.